Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Growth is one of the most painful things known to mankind. It is tedious, evasive, and required to get where you want to be. I always jump into it with excitement, and try to hastily swim to the other side. Consequently, I end up in the middle of the lake of growth, exhausted and screaming "HELP!" Where there are usually not very many people, and it takes the lifeguard a while to make it out there.
He comes out there and lets me take the float for a few days, and then leaves me with the advice "Take it slow out there, otherwise you will drown," and I nod my head in understanding. You have to change the very foundations of your being a lot of times, just to grow. This takes time, you can't build structure without foundation, because it will inevitably sink. A lot of the bad habits of you are subconscious, and you have to bring them into consciousness again, and again, correcting them each time until the change becomes conscious. This physically hurts, its hard as hell, takes forever, and your subconscious will do crazy things to protect itself; hence, painful, tedious, and evasive.
This doesn't mean it's not worth it; growth is one of the few things that you know will always be worth it. The sense of accomplishment afterwords is joyful, meaningful, and inspiring. This perseverance is seen by everyone around you, and literally changes the course of your life. Don't let frustrating events sidetrack you from appreciation of this magnificent achievement. You are ready to face the world anew.

I am attempting a few growths at once right now, at one point in time I believe that they metastasized and spread throughout my entire structure, causing it to crumble to the ground. Luckily I still had a tent from the last time this happened, so I wasn't left completely homeless. (I know, too much, so what? Call the fucking metaphor police! If they show up at my door I'll tell them the trees are already burnt and i can't find the forest) This was only a brief collapse, it not being the first one it was a little easier. I suppose if you build a foundation for a foundation you don't have to rebuild the bottom one. All it is is like some sheet rock, I mean that stuff last forever. If you're not confused at this point in my description, I applaud you.
Anyways, so I changed my physical foundation, A.K.A. my diet. Who had any idea how big of a pain in the ass that would be? All of your cravings that guide you, all of your warm comforting food habits, gone. I kept like three; decaf coffee, bread bowls, and sushi, but I might have to get rid of bread bowls!! The nutrition change messed my body up for a while, it kinda goes ape shit when you stop giving it everything that it is used to, and try out all this new food.
The other growths were more professional, and a slight personal one. The slight personal one I was like 9/10 the way there, I just needed to know it was indeed the right place to be, or right person to be, I could say. The professional ones, man they were boring, so I will save anyone who actually made it this far the pain of reading about them, and simply say that one of them is this blog. Manifested growth right before your very eyes! But they are still in baby stages, poking their heads above the soil and crying out for Light!
I hope you swim across the lake at your own pace, and don't mind if others pass you, you might find that you have to help them from drowning.

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