When I started this blog I thought I was just going to make little observations about small neat things in life that might relieve some stress of people who read it. I will do that a lot, hopefully soon, but recently this blog has been for me. It is my way of expressing my feelings to a world that I am not connected to and every time I try to connect to it, I get kicked out. Its one of the few areas where I have a voice that like maybe 4 people listen to partially lol, but a voice none the less.
I am in an area in my life that requires a strange kind of faith, one that I have come to trust and doubt only when I am not myself. It is feeling, that very core feeling that you have between a person that tells you if that person is good for you. I have to have faith in this feeling for many reasons. First, its always right, and I need to be me. Second, to not be angry or frustrated at someone just because things aren't going my way, and to show I trust them. Third, and this is really important; llama pants, and I don't say that lightly. Fourth, because there are sometimes mountains of time you must cross without talking to someone to get to the sea, and in the meantime you are not going to make it if you can't feel beyond those seemingly impassible peaks, feel.
I can feel beyond those peaks, but god help me I can't see. In my personal life and professionally, it is impossible. So that is why I have to have faith; to make it to the sea. At the sea it is so beautiful, just the anticipation alone fills my heart with joy; I know it is there, because I can feel it. On a larger scale, i feel all of humanity is still crossing impassible peaks, as we have obviously not made it to the ocean yet. When we do the Skeptics and Rapturists are finally going to realize what we've been talking about this whole time.
I implore you to trust that feeling that tells you you will make it to the sea, the more of us that have the perseverance to make it to the sea, the closer humanity gets to the ocean.
I send love and streams along the way-
I think I've failed at posting the comment I was trying to post here a few times. My point was, your talk of trusting that feeling reminds me a lot of things I was thinking of when I was walking through the desert recently.