The future of my series is at stake. Well, it is always at stake. If I don't have enough money to publish the entire thing then it is done, if I can't find a publisher or literary agent to back it then it is done, if nobody likes it enough to read it then it is done, and if I die then it is done. But fear not, short of the later I will find the money do it myself and possibly say fuck it for the other two and publish the entire thing anyways because dammit, I think it is going to kick royal ass!
The reason I bring this up is because of the recurring difficulty of getting the the book out there. I have little knowledge, little connections, and am officially broke. I have done everything I could possibly think of to push the first novel, spent oodles of cash, had successful readings, and talked to everyone around me but it unfortunately remains stagnant for the time being. The renewal for the book contract is up through the publisher, which means that I must pay another 299$ for another year of housing my books and processing orders and I seriously have no cash. So, what to do?
First, I can never let the series go, I love it!! But, should I let the contract lag for the first book or continue to push it whilst unleashing a blog assault on America and short story submission dominance to draw traffic to it? Is it currently worth another 299$ on top of 7 G's? This is a depressing question! I originally had a goal of making the money back that had gone into the whole process, which has recently become lofty.
The good of this stagnation is that now I am going back to school and knocking out an english major and possibly masters-to-doctorate so my writing will benefit greatly. The sad part is that I don't have enough money to publish the next one in line! Is it not time? Is the world not yet ready? I personally think the world deserves vampires, dragons, zombies, and kick ass action sequences combined with real deep meaningful characters. In fact, I think we've been ready for it and more, but I am an optimist when it comes to fantasy.
The future in mind I see the potential for this to benefit and improve the series to make it more than just another fantasy, the now however, has perpetually sucked ass! I am worried that the future is just a perpetual dream, that will never be the now. What should I do? Manage to accrue 299$ at a shit job during a time period where I am moving out broke and need a deposit? or let it slide for Now, and bring it back in the Future?